Losing Weight Isn't Impossible: A Story of Inspiration from Amy Newman

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Are you disgusted with yourself?

In a recent survey given to a sample population of the American public, over 78% of people stated that they were unhappy with their current body composition. When I read this study the first thing that came to my mind was "I used to be one of those people."

Before I go any further, I want to introduce myself. My name is Amy Newman, and I am a 41 year old mother of 3 from South Carolina. I have a 15 year old son named David, a 13 year old son named Travis, and a 6 year old daughter named Isabella (she was a surprise!). My 3 children are the light of my life, and were truly an inspiration for me to do something about my weight.

I am a former overweight woman, and at my highest point I weighed 203 pounds. Now, that is not a good weight for any woman, but it was really bad for me because I am only 5'4" tall! My husband is a very sweet man, and even though I was overweight he would still tell me how beautiful that I was. When we first met in 1990 I weighed around 150 pounds (I have always been a chunky girl).

I when my 40th birthday occurred last year, I knew that is was time to make a change. I had already had some minor health issues, and I knew at 41 with 3 kids I did not want to die young. You may be 15 years old reading this and not worrying about death, or you may be 75 and realize that being overweight is a serious health concern. Whatever the case may be, an overweight person is neither healthy or happy.

Like I said, I knew that it was time to make a change. I had seen all of the programs on TV that promised fantastic results, and had even read up on many products that are sold over the internet. After purchasing 10-15 of these programs (P90x, all kinds of ab gadgets, NutriSystem, Jenny Craig, etc.) I realized that none of them were able to deliver the results that I wanted. They all seemed to contain the same rehashed information. I had spent over $1,000 on weight loss related information, and even after implementing much of the information had only managed to shed a total of 4 pounds.

Nothing seemed to work, and I thought that I would just be fat forever.

One day something happened. I was at work (I am a pharmacy technician and we were slow that day) and I was browsing the internet looking for diet information, weight loss, fat loss, etc. I came across a program that seemed very promising, but of course I had already purchased a lot of products that seemed very promising. The program was called "Truth about Abs." Now, I was looking to tone my whole body, and not just my abs, however the product seemed worth further investigation.

I soon came to realize that the product was actually designed for overall fat loss, but was called "The Truth About Abs" because that is what most people search for. How to get abs!

I went to the website (Click Here to go there now) and found a free video that gave a ton of free information on how to really lose weight quickly and easily. This method seemed to be an effective, safe, and revolutionary method to losing fat in a very short period of time. The video has very detailed, and gave specific examples and case studies.

Watch the video here

What I found by watching the video was that many of things I believed (and had been taught)a bout fat loss were actually inaccurate and counterproductive for someone looking to lose weight and get toned. It was a shock to my system (especially when the video talked about the best Ab exercise being no exercise!).

If you watch the free video you will learn:

Surprising foods (that you thought were unhealthy) that actually assist the
fat-burning process in your body.

3 Foods marketed as "healthy" that actually increase your stomach fat... stay FAR away from these!

Weird workouts (scientifically-based) that
burn belly fat faster than typical cardio.

After I watched the video I decided to go ahead and purchase the Truth about Abs program. For the very inexpensive price, it was actually a no-brainer. If this program did half of what is said it would do then it would be the best weight loss related investment I had ever made.

After getting the program and implementing it, I lost 62 lbs. In 15 weeks! I did not have to work out very hard, and I actually ate a majority of the foods that most "weight loss guides" tell you to give up!

Fast forward to today, and I am officially 70 lbs. lighter than I was at my heaviest point. At one point I weighed 203 pounds, and I now weigh only 133 pounds! This has been a life changing event for me. I am healthier, more confident, and you should see the way that my husband looks at me. I am almost 20 pounds lighter than the day we met!

Listen, this program works. My mother and father (he was over 340 pounds) were both overweight, so genetics did not have anything to do with my amazing results. You can have the best genetics in the world or the worst and this program will still deliver the results that you desire.

If you want to change the way you look, and become more healthy and confident then today is the day. Just take a few minutes to watch the free video, and I know you will be amazed and confident that this program will work for you.